christmas hulk {Christmas Hulk. Also, what I’ve felt like over the last few days.)

We did it! We bought the car. Thanks to those who have shared stories about learning to drive standard. It is really helpful to hear that most people get frustrated when learning this skill. Apparently the new car transitions really easily and so it shouldn’t be too bad.

So far this week I’ve been dealing strictly with car stuff. We still need to get the lights fixed on our old car so that we can sell it, so I’ve got an appointment booked to do just that tomorrow morning.

One thing I noticed yesterday as I was running around the city trying to figure out registration, insurance and the light situation was that I only dealt with very friendly, helpful, patient and efficient people. Everyone I talked to at Allstate, AMA and Honda were so kind – it really made a huge difference in how the whole day went. What was already a stressful situation could have been a lot worse if I had encountered even one person who was impatient or unhelpful. Great customer service goes a long long way.

So, now that the car stuff is mostly taken care of I can finally get back to focusing on work and Christmas.

Oh and don’t forget, today is 12/12/12, which is pretty cool. Do something out of the ordinary today!